Dream Thief No. 1

This piece to me is about disguised intent and seeing through hidden intentions. Overall, I want this piece to seem whimsical to the majority who look at it, and the longer you look at it, you’re left increasingly wondering if he’s playful.

This Dream Thief has four important elements: a mask to hide his face, hiding his intentions and expressions; a dissipating body; loosely defined bones; and extended hands. The hands are what are interesting to me because they’re playful yet look like they have power and plates of bone armor. And they’re suspended — it’s unclear if he’s using his hands to beg, to beckon you, or if he’s about to roll them to make a fist… but he could be about to do any of those. There’s also a weight to the hands and unusably thin fingers. The way the ulna and the radius transition into the hand and into the bicep leaves room for interpretation. Are we looking at his exterior, or are we seeing through him?

Graphite on paper