Corpse Cart

At first glance this model may seem simple enough; however, if you count the number of figures in this model, you realize how great of a task it actually becomes. Even though it’s one model, there are four zombies, one necromancer, and a pile of corpses. The zombies also have four weapons. There’s a collection of weapons and potion bottles hanging from the back of the cart. There are so many locations where wood transitions to metal then transitions to these other details. There were many tiny shapes, and it was a very deceiving model to paint.

I wanted my model to have each zombie appear as if they were from different places and had different origin stories to them, so I made their fabrics regionally themed and each of their fleshes different. The corpses in the cart I wanted to look fresh — like they were just picked off the battlefield — but I made the limbs hanging off begin to freeze and become frostbitten.

This was personally for my vampire army. I wanted the necromancer to have heightened vampiric properties.

105mm oval base
Acrylic on plastic