Blue & Yellow Tankard

I threw this mug on the pottery wheel. It’s glazed at cone 10 reduction. What’s fascinating about ceramics and, in particular, firing them at such high temperatures is that they shrink. When I first made this mug, I originally could fit four of my fingers in the handle, but after firing, I’m only able to fit three and my pinky dangles.

This tankard perfectly fits one canned beverage. I wanted to have a smooth, high glass content glaze on the inside for more sanitary cleaning and a matte exterior for better gripping. I paid careful attention to the shape of the lip of the mug and how it interacts with the shape of the mouth for maximum comfort. With all of its charms, it is perfect.

p.s. When I look at its colors, I can’t help but to be reminded of a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle toy I had in my youth.

110mm x 76mm x 125mm