Stump No. 1

I’ve always been fascinated with gargoyles and at the same time repulsed by garden gnomes. I wanted to make something in between — something a little bit charming yet creepy. For this first stump, I wanted them to feel like little lumps that were growing out of the earth and just resting, asleep, dormant, ready to awaken.

I first sculpted this stump out of clay, fired him, sealed him with lacquer, then used a brush on silicone and made a two-part fiberglass resin hard shell so that I could make duplicates of him out of concrete.

Stumps are available for purchase in our shop. We do not keep an inventory of stumps, so whenever you order yours, it will be made custom for you. Occasionally, imperfections such as cracks or bubbles may form in your stump. I view that this simply adds character. One day I would like to grow moss upon a stump.

185mm x 142mm x 190mm